Canada’s Churchill River is a truly fascinating watercourse, running for over 1000 miles from it’s source high in the Rocky Mountains, through the silent boreal forests of the Canadian Shield to it’s mouth at the frigid Hudson Bay. Workshops on this mighty river could include:
– The river’s wildlife – from the industrious beaver of the forest to the white Beluga whales at the river’s mouth, salmon and the bears and eagles that rely on their seasonal run for food;
– The people of the river – marvel at the ingenuity of the Dene, Chipewyan and Cree people of the forest and their use of the natural resources around them (including their amazing birch bark canoes) and the incredible Inuit at the river’s frozen end;
– History of the river – the establishment of Canada’s first settlement at Fort Prince of Wales, the Hudson Bay Company and the fur trade, the hardy “voyageurs” paddling their canoes full of trade good and man-handling them over back-breaking portages;
The river, its people and its history combine to form a fascinating case study of a river very different from those found in the UK.
The content of workshops can be adapted to suit any age group and can be tailored to fit with current or planned areas of study.