• Canada Active Outdoor Discovery Primary Geography Resources KS1 KS2

Canada is an incredible country with a staggering range of environments and a rich history.

Find out about life in Canada, how some aspects are very similar to life in the UK but some can be very different.

Learn about the different parts of Canada – the Maritime Provinces battered by Atlantic storms, the proud French heritage of Quebec, Ontario’s great cities and even greater lakes, the wide open spaces of the Prairie provinces, the mighty Rocky Mountains, the Pacific coast, the Yukon and its gold rush heyday and the frozen expenses of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Learn about the people who lived in Canada before Europeans arrived and their rich cultures.

Take a canoe journey across the country looking at the animals, peoples and environments you might see on the way. All the way from the Rockies through the great Boreal Forest to the Arctic shores of the Hudson Bay. Find out about the remote but incredible town of Churchill, its fascinating past and amazing (and very dangerous!) visitors.

Canada makes a great choice for a KS2 country study from the Americas.

The content of workshops can be adapted to suit any age group and can be tailored to fit with current or planned areas of study